Centivest Capital Small Business Acquisition & Turnaround

Marketing Myopia is mental tunnel vision whose symptoms include:

  • Having a short-sighted approach to business;
  • Being inner-focused instead of outer-focused;
  • Resisting change instead of embracing it.

Marketing Myopia prevents companies from achieving maximum success.

The concept of marketing myopia was first discussed in an article (titled “Marketing Myopia,” in July-August 1960 issue of the Harvard Business Review) by Harvard Business School emeritus professor of marketing, Theodore C. Levitt (1925-2006), who suggests that companies get trapped in this situation because they fail to ask the vital question, “What business are we in?”

You might have marketing myopia if…

  1. You want a quick fix to generate some short-term money and you aren’t sure what you want long-term…
  2. You want someone to do it all for you as you watch from the sidelines…
  3. You give up easily when something doesn’t work exactly as you expected…
  4. You’re constantly looking for the next “bright, shiny object” as a miracle cure-all…
  5. You suffer from “paralysis of analysis” and are stuck in the realm of conventional thinking…
  6. You look at marketing as an expense…
  7. You are happy with the status quo and are reluctant to change your ways…
  8. You try to second guess people you’ve hired to give you advice and guidance…
  9. You have no problem taking up other people’s time whether you’re paying for it or not…
  10. You want a guarantee of results…

Don’t have marketing myopia? Click on the button below.
